Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Attack of the Csigas!


So last week I bought a basil plant and we were so excited about it!!! But, this week, it was attacked by csigas (snails). We went on splits in Budapest and when we came back it was missing from the balcony!! It must have fallen from the balcony while we were gone and all we found was a pile of dirt, and the remains of the plant, covered in snails! So I hope the snails enjoyed a little feast. I told Jarrett Nővér that I think they all climbed up on the balcony and knocked it over haha. So ya, it was a good week, except for that. 

We went to Péter's again and he is doing great. One of the branch members, András, who is still a reletively new member and SOO amazing, was miraculously available and able to come with us to Péter's! András is so smart, he is also kind, eloquent, understanding, friendly and just generally great! He is actually getting married to a member from Debrecen in a little less than a month so we are also really excited for him! Péter is doing well though, we talked about the blessings of enduring to the end and shared 3 Nephi 15:9 with him, I really love that scripture, which talks about the blessings. It says: 
"Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live, for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life." 

Péter also took us to his bee farm!!! It was so so fun to see. He is a really smart guy and knows SO much about bees. He even found and was able to show us the queen bee! It was so interesting to see. I love teaching him and his family. 

We went to Jutka Néni's this week and she was so cute. She is very impressive to me, she is very independent and wants to continue to be independent! We always offer to help her and she always assures us that she is more than capable. So cute! She fed us some yummy fruit soup and said the only way we can help her is to just sing to her, so that's what we did! 

We went on splits with the Sister Training Leaders this week in Budapest. I went with Hawker Nővér and we had a great time together. I would love to serve there during my mission. On our way to Budapest, our 3 hour train ride turned into 5 hours!! It was crazy, the train kept breaking down and we would just sit on the tracks for a long time. Our train ride home was interesting too with a misunderstanding with the ticket checker - never a dull moment. 

We finally got back to Nyíregyháza safely. And again it was raining. It has also been raining SO much this week, and we were soaked one day while out tracting, so I decided to have some fun in the rain by jumping in puddles! While out in the rain, we met with a cute new girl last night named Noémi who is really curious. I am excited to meet with her again this week and hopefully we can continue teaching her. 

Also, we got the conference edition of the Ensign this week, so exciting!! Although it was short, I absolutely loved reading the words of our dear prophet, Thomas S. Monson. I loved how he talked about how crucial the daily decisions we make are in our lives. He talked about how "the door of history turns on small hinges, and so do people's lives." Everyone has the gift of agency and it is up to each of us to decide what to do in our day to day lives. I also loved how he talked about Alice in Wonderland - how she came to a crossroad with two paths leading in opposite directions and she asked which path she should take. The Cheshire Cat, as we all know, responded by saying "that depends on where you want to go." President Monson reminded us how blessed we are to know where we want to go, the fact that with the choices we make, we can work towards receiving celestial glory and be blessed beyond what we can even comprehend. In closing he talked about how important faith is and I will add a quote by him that was so powerful to me. He said "May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong...As we contemplate the decisions we make in our lives each day - whether to make this choice or that choice - if we choose Christ, we will have made the correct choice." 

I think that is about it for the week. We continue to talk to as many people as we can and are working really hard. I hope you all have had good weeks! I'm sending all my love!

 szeretettel,  Schoendorfer 
Bee Keeping with Peter
Pointing out the queen bee

Fields of flowers for the bees
fruit soup - it's so good 
sad about our basil plant
lots of rain, wet name tag and wet missionaries
trying to always keep smiling and be happy in spite of all the rain

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