Hey family and friends! I can't believe it's already been another week! So the title of this week's blog/email comes from Izabella! As I've said before, I love the Izabella-isms! She made this comment while we were headed to a big Sport Nap activity in Debrecen. She was talking about how she's not very good at sports but how much she loves winning! So she said "I'm not very good at it, but I really like winning!" with a cute grin on her face! I had also brought some cookies to share with everyone and I had put them in an old yogurt container so while I was sitting there with Izabella she asked what was inside. I showed her and she got all excited but then was talking about due to her health problems she can't have sugar. And then out of no where a few minutes later she said "I just have to try one! I just do!" So she had one, laughed, and told the others that they had to try one too!
Anyways, in other news this week, I taught Dani piano again and this week, instead of him go not listening, he actually played one of his songs without putting up a fight. It was the first time he had done that, and up until this last week I didn't think he actually knew how to play this song!! After he played it for me he said "Okay, now we need to switch places. I'm the teacher and you're the student!" It was so fun to see him so silly without acting rebellious against the piano! We will see if he keeps it up, I sure hope so!
We had a great zone training this week in Miskolc on the importance of working with members. It really is so important and it is a challenge with the branch being small, but we see great blessings from it as we work to strengthen members and also involve them in missionary efforts.
We had such a great lesson with Péter and his family this week! Often times we aren't able to get the whole family for the lesson because they are so busy and working at finishing up school, but this time we had the whole family all gathered around on the couches and had a great lesson about temples and family history work. The spirit was so strong as we talked about eternal families and blessings of the temple. They are such an amazing family. Both Péter and his wife were really interested in family history and are excited to look into that! I am so grateful that I have been able to teach their family. We found Péter in February and since then, I really can feel and see a difference in him. It's hard for me to describe but there is a difference - he really seems happier and their family relationship seems to be stronger. I know we all can be happier in our lives as we strive to come unto Christ and follow his example. We have also been sending Péter scriptures in a text message recently and he loves it. This past week I sent him Ether 2:3 which is all about bees when the Jaredites make their journey!! It says:
And they did also carry with them deseret, which,
interpretation, is a honey bee; and thus they did carry with
them swarms of bees, and all manner of that which was
upon the face of the land,
seeds of every kind.
He enjoyed it! We love teaching our bee-keeper!
This week we were also able to visit the Szabolcsi family. The mom, Ilona, is a member in the branch and we were able to get to know the rest of her family a little better this week. Her daughter, Viki, is an artist and painted us while we were there! Kristőf, Ilona's son, also had fun drawing me! He has some special needs and I've talked about his before, he is such a sweetheart, so kind and thoughtful. Kristőf was also able to come to the big Sport Nap in Debrecen and we ran a little 1.5 km race and right in the beginning, Kristőf got out of breath and was really struggling. I walked with him and at times we were able to jog. He ran the last little bit and the whole way he kept telling me how happy he was that I had stayed back and walked with him so he wasn't all by himself. He is such an amazing example to me in selflessness.
This week we also went to visit Ilona Néni. I've talked about her before but we haven't been there in a while. She was so so glad that we stopped over to see her and was the happiest I have ever seen her! We met with Noémi again this week, a new girl we recently found. She has a lot of different beliefs and is really curious. We were able to teach her about the Plan of Salvation and it went really well. Before when we met with her she had promised us only one more visit, so we were kind of thinking that this week was going to be the last time meeting with her. But, as we finished teaching the Plan of Salvation, she asked us when we were going to come back! We also read and talked about Alma 34:15-19 with her, which says:
believe on his name; this being the intent of this last
sacrifice, to bring about the bowels of mercy, which
overpowereth justice, and bringeth about means unto men
that they may have faith unto repentance.16 And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and
encircles them in the arms of safety,
while he that exercise
no faith unto repentance is exposed to the whole law of the
demands of justice; therefore only unto him that has faith
unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal
plan of redemption.17 Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that
ye may begin to exercise your faith unto
repentance, that
ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have
mercy upon you;
18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save.
9 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto
I love the Book of Mormon and am so grateful for it and for the strength we can receive from it. Recently throughout the mission, we were challenged to read through the Book of Mormon, underlining where Christ's name is, gospel principles, Christ's words, and attributes of Christ. As I have done this I have learned so much more and have been understanding concepts better and finding things that haven't stood out to me as much before when I've just read through it. My testimony has really been strengthened by the Book of Mormon and it's truthfulness, especially recently.
Hope you all have a good week! Sending love from Hungary!
szeretettel, Schoendorfer Nővér
Izabella and I matching for the Sport Nap, she's so cute! |
A pretty lake we found tracting. |
We got painted this week by a member's daughter. |
Kristof drew me after his sister was done, I love him! He is such a sweetheart. |
Loving the beautiful flowers in Hungary |
Found a new dog friend this week. |
And here's my suni tag, don't worry, I didn't actually leave the apartment wearing that one. |
Love serving with Jarrett Nover! |
I love Hannah's testimony about the strength the Book of Mormon gives her as she continues to develop Christlike attributes. Her words are true and they touched my heart.