Monday, July 18, 2016

Happy to Be

Hello! It has truly been another great week here in Hungary!!! I love it here!!! I actually don't have a lot of time today, so this week is just going to be a list of things that happened and why I adore this place so much.
1. We bought daisies from a cute néni outside a metro station who was just so kind and happy to be!
2. We finished teaching Krisztián all the main lessons and he is on tract to be baptized on July 30th and is so so excited and happy to be!
3. We carried a way heavy microwave home on the metro this week. Not so happy to be.
4. I went on splits with Benson Nővér in Pest and we had so much fun together. She just got to the country and is just FULL of energy. We also played basketball for their Sport Nap and creamed the people that showed up. Happy to be! 
5. We saw Nagy Imre randomly on the villamos (streetcar) this week and we were able to give him a Book of Mormon. Side note: we saw Imre on my first day in Kispest when he walked up to us and asked, in English "Will you convert me?" He wants to meet in September. He is truly happy to be bácsi! 
6. We had language study with Gizi, Levente's mom. She taught us animal sounds and we had so much fun, we were all happy to be!
7. I was able to go on splits with Greenwood Nővér who is always contagiously happy to be! We also got ice cream which may have contributed to being happy to be :) 
8. We visited Gyöngyi and she gave us one of the best descriptions of Lehi's dream!!! She also asked me to draw a picture for her so I drew Joseph Smith praying in the Sacred Grove. I also drew his house and a little farm with chickens running everywhere, Gyöngyi adored it, and yes, she was happy to be! 
9. We carried 60 Books of Mormon to church on Sunday, while also holding umbrellas in the pouring rain. Happy to be?
10. Lindow Elder and I played a piano duet in church yesterday which the members loved, super happy to be!
11. Last night on the metro I felt prompted to talk to the guy across from us on the metro and for some reason I was really nervous. I have honestly never talked to someone on the metro before because the one we ride is SO loud. I waited a few stops and then realized I really had no reason to not talk to him. So, two stops before we had to get off, I talked to him for a few minutes and he accepted a Book of Mormon and was really interested and said he would call later. I'm so glad I followed my feelings and talked to him. Happy to be!
12. This is the most important one! We took 60 Books of Mormon to church yesterday because we had the members write their testimony, or why the Book of Mormon is important to them on the inside of the front cover. They got really excited about it and then we asked them if each night they would pray for both myself and Willets Nővér to be able to hand out all 60 books and possibly more. We are really excited for this week and think we can do it. Pray for us - and remember to be happy to be!!!
This whole happy to be thing came from our dear Lindow Elder who goes home this Friday, we will miss him. He always talked about being happy to be with whatever you are doing and with whatever situation you are in. 

All my love, s
ok szeretettel, Schoendorfer Nővér

Splits with Benson Nover

Our new apartment

Splits with Greenwood Nover

Budapest is so Beautiful!

Pretty door knobs
Elder Lindow goes home on Friday - :(    Member is Bukkosi Margit

Another church member, Kriszti - we adore her!!!

Levente's darling little brother!

Just a few of the 60 Book of Mormons we had members from the ward write in yesterday. We have a goal to give give them all out this week. The average amount of books given out in a week is less than 10.

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